So you’ve received your order of Theez Grainz and you’re ready to work, but you’re not quite sure how to get started. Let’s learn how…
Step 1:
Place your bag of Theez Grainz in front of your flow hood, turn it on, and let it run for 20 min. If you don’t have a flow hood that’s okay! A SAB, glove box, or even just a clean room will work. (see the blog post how to use Fungstrate to see what a clean room is)
Step 2:
Spray your bag of Theez Grainz down with isopropyl alcohol or if you have a alcohol pad clean the area on and around the self healing injection port.
Step 3:
Take your gourmet/medicinal spore or culture syringe and attach the sterile needle to the tip of your syringe.
Step 4:
Inject 2-3cc of your syringe into the bag.
Step 5:
Label and date your bag of Theez Grainz so you know which variety you’re growing and when it was inoculated.
Step 6:
Place your inoculated bag of Theez Grainz in a room and if possible try keeping them between the temperature range of 76-78 degrees Fahrenheit (23-25 Celsius) and leave them alone. You should see growth begin to form within 1-2 weeks with spore and a few days with a culture and should be fully colonized in roughly 30 days depending on your variety.
Step 7:
When your bag of Grainz are finished colonizing use your bag of Fungstrate to spawn into your vessel of choosing.
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